Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 100 Notes

-This is the show that made me a fan of professional wrestling for good.
-I was in a bad place in my life as a screwed up 13 year old kid.
-Watching Wrestling provided me with an appropriate outlet.
-A $30 copay tube of cream?
-Today we are looking at WrestleMania VII from the WWF.
-WrestleMania VII took place on March 24, 1991 from the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. There were 16,158 in attendance. Let’s turn to Wikipedia for a bit of history: WrestleMania VII was originally scheduled to be held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, but the WWF decided to move the event to the adjacent Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. The WWF's stated reason for the venue change was that it had security concerns in the wake of Sgt. Slaughter’s portrayal of an Iraqi sympathizer during the Gulf War. This was dismissed by outlets such as SLAM! Sports of Canada, who chalked up the venue change to poor advanced ticket sales, and the company having difficulty filling the estimated 100,000 seats available. According to former WWF executive Bruce Prichard, both were accurate statements. In his podcast, Something to Wrestle With, Prichard said that even if the WWF had sold out the Coliseum the scope of the event was too large for police to ensure its security. Prichard explained further in an interview with Kayfabe Commentaries that the WWF would have had to foot the entire bill for the amount of security necessary to keep the wrestlers and fans safe from all potential issues, citing both the possibility of an outside attack and the crime rate of the surrounding neighborhood. Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter wrote that between 11,900 and 15,000 tickets were sold before the move. He also reported that no tickets had to be refunded, indicating that sales were under 15,500. Comp tickets were believed to help fill the show's crowd.
-Superstars and Stripes Forever! The tagline for the event was "Superstars and Stripes Forever," and is remembered for its theme of American patriotism in the wake of the Gulf War. American flags were hung all over the arena and the ring apron and banners were colored red, white, and blue, which was the basis for the main event between Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter for the WWF Heavyweight Championship. This was the first WrestleMania not to feature Jesse Ventura as a color commentator. Gorilla Monsoon hosted the event with Bobby Heenan.
-Classic Vince McMahon introduction. This gives me chills.
-Howard Finkel introduces Willie Nelson to sing America the Beautiful. He does a great job and is wearing one of the toy championship belts that they were selling at the time.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to WrestleMania VII! The USA chant goes out. Monsoon then brings out Jim Duggan who is going to help him do commentary on the opening match. Duggan is decked out in Red, White, and Blue with the Uncle Sam hat. He gets a nice ovation. He and Gorilla preview some of the matches coming up.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Rockers. They say that while The Barbarian and Haku are big and strong, The Rockers are tag team specialists. Shawn Michaels says that they will turn heads, turn on crowds, and come out on top.
-The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Barbarian and Haku with Bobby Heenan: The Rockers get a nice pop when they come out. Speed VS. Power. Haku and Michaels start out. Haku catches Michaels in a bear hug as a weasel chant goes out. Michaels is selling for Haku. They do a nice sequence. Michaels gets a shoulder block. Jannetty tagged in and he and Michaels do a double hip toss. Barbarian comes in and hits both Rockers with a double clothesline. He tries it again and the Rockers duck and hit a double superkick. Heels regroup outside. Barbarian beating on Jannetty, who tries a sunset flip, but Barbarian won’t go down. Barbarian catches Jannetty, but Michaels kicks Barbarians back allowing Jannetty to do a hurricanrana to Barbarian. Double headbutt by the heels and Haku is tagged in. Haku chops Jannetty. Michaels tries to get in and referee Danny Davis stops him. Barbarian and Haku do a stun gun on Jannetty. They gesture to the crowd instead of going for a pin. Barbarian in and he gorilla presses Jannetty. Heels double teaming. Jannetty sneaks a crossbody for a two count. Jannetty selling hard for Haku. Barbarian in. Gets a bear hug on Jannetty. Jannetty gets caught coming off the top rope and is power slammed by The Barbarian. Barbarian misses a top rope headbutt. Michaels and Haku tagged in. Michaels hits a back elbow. He then hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Michaels and Jannetty double team to get Haku down in a sunset flip. Rockers double dropkick Barbarian outside and Michaels gets a crossbody on Haku to win.
-Duggan bails when he finds out that Bobby Heenan is going to join the commentary booth.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Regis Philben, Marla Maples, and Alex Trebek. Regis is scared of Earthquake and the story of him tipping over the pizza truck. Marla is excited to be a locker room reporter. Mean Gene and Alex Trebek do a variation on the Abbot and Costello Who’s on First routine when talking about Trebek’s role as a guest ring announcer.
-Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart VS. The Texas Tornado: Heenan is upset that he’s not the only celebrity at WrestleMania. Tornado gets a nice ovation coming out. Bravo attacks as the bell rings. He clotheslines Tornado outside of the ring. Back in, Tornado gets an atomic drop and a clothesline. Bravo then fights off the claw. These two would die less than three weeks apart in 1993. Bravo with some chops and a let up on a Tornado charge. Bravo drops an elbow for a two count. Bravo hits a side suplex for a two count. Bravo goes for a blow off the top rope, but gets caught in the claw. Tornado then hits the discus punch and gets the pin. The crowd gives him a good ovation.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Warlord and Slick. They say it would take a whole pack of dogs to take down The Warlord, not just one dog. The Warlord says no wrestler has escaped his full nelson.
-Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldog who has Winston the Bulldog with him. Mean Gene asks him if this is his day and he says yes because every dog has his day.
-The British Bulldog with Winston VS. The Warlord with Slick: Heenan says you can see the fleas jumping off of Winston and Gorilla gives one of his classic Will You Stop to Heenan before telling the audience that we won’t be seeing a lot of flying head scissors or dropkicks. This is a power match. The Warlord focuses on Bulldog’s back. They do a move me spot and Bulldog knocks Warlord to the outside. Warlord continues to work on the back. Bulldog does a crucifix and Warlord counters by dropping back. Warlord then drops three elbows for a two count. Warlord gets a bear hug on. Then does a stun gun on Bulldog. They trade blows. Warlord hits a belly to belly suplex. He then hits a snap mare and gets a chin lock. Bulldog comes back with some big blows and a dropkick. He then gets a right hand and a crossbody for a two count. Bulldog tries for a piledriver, Warlord reverses it to a back drop. Bulldog turns it into a sunset flip. Warlord drops to his knees for a two count. Bulldog gets a double under hook for a two count. Warlord gets a foot up at a Bulldog charge. Heenan says that England sent Bulldog over during the Gulf War and they sent him back as Warlord gets the full nelson on. Monsoon of course says the fingers aren’t locked. Bulldog breaks it. He then gets Warlord up on his shoulder for the power slam. He hits it and gets the pin.
-Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys. They say that now is the time and that they will be the new champions because they are going to crack the Foundation.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Hart Foundation. I don’t think Anvil drinks decaf because he is so intense here. Bret calls The Nasty Boys scum.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart VS. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs with Jimmy Hart: They show Macaulay Culkin and Gorilla Monsoon says he wouldn’t be home alone watching this. I see what you did there, Gorilla! Sags and Bret start. Sags in control. Bret then evens the odds on both members of the Nasty Boys. Knobbs tagged in. Neidhart then tagged in. They slug it out and Knobbs is tossed outside. Back in, the Nasty Boys double team Neidhart in their corner. Bret in against Sags. Russian Leg Sweep and fist drop on Sags. Knobbs comes in and hits Bret and knocks him out. Bret is just brutalized. Sags gets a back breaker and then a camel clutch. Knobbs then tagged in and he picks up the camel clutch. Quick tags by the Nasty Boys. Sags hits a neckbreaker. Bret then comes back with a neckbreaker of his own. Knobbs in. Bret breaks the hold. Knobbs misses a corner charge. The referee misses the Bret tag to Neidhart and won’t allow it. Knobbs goes to hit Bret with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone and hits Sags instead. Neidhart then tagged in and he cleans house. He gets a two count on Knobbs. It breaks down. Bret nails Jimmy Hart on the outside. The Hart Foundation then hit the Hart Attack finisher on Knobbs. The referee goes to get Bret outside and Sags hits Neidhart with Jimmy Hart’s Helmet. Knobbs rolls over and pins Neidhart. We have new tag team champions. Jimmy Hart is ecstatic.
-Flashback to what has happened between Rick Martel and Jake Roberts that led to the blindfold match.
-They do a weird cut here to Jake’s promo, but it is money. The blind leading the blind promo.
-Blindfold Match: Jake Roberts with Damien VS. Rick Martel: A lot of people hate this match and I don’t know why. It’s an entertaining match. It isn’t Rocket Science, It’s Wrestling! Martel should be more appreciated than he is. Roberts is so over, yet he turns in a few months and becomes arguably the biggest heel of 1991. Roberts and Martel both react perfectly to having the hoods on. I have used Robert’s tactic of pointing while blindfolded to play Marco Polo in the pool and it is more effective than you would think it would be. Both Heenan and Monsoon are great in this match. Roberts momentarily finds Martel and the crowd comes alive. Martel backs into Roberts and trips and Roberts gets a two count. Martel grabs Roberts and hits him then Irish Whips him but Roberts wanders right by. The two wander around and bump into each other and run the ropes but Martel falls. Roberts gets on all fours. More pointing by Roberts, but Martel keeps moving. Roberts bumps into him, so Martel gets a body slam, but misses an elbow drop. They both individually grab the referee thinking it is the other person. Roberts gets Martel briefly, but he gets to the ropes. DDT chant goes out. Martel goes into the corner that Damien’s bag is in and freaks out when he feels it. Great verbal interplay by Monsoon and Heenan here. Martel grabs Roberts. Roberts bumped outside. Martel makes his way out, gets a chair and starts jabbing the air with it. He backs into a post and swings the chair and hurts his hand. Roberts feels him and drags him back in. Martel gets a backbreaker and goes for the Boston Crab, but Roberts powers out. Martel wanders over, right into a DDT and Roberts gets the pin. Crowd loves it. Roberts busts up the Arrogance atomizer. He then releases Damien. He puts Damien on Martel, who bails quickly.
-Marla Maples interviews The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart who are celebrating with the rest of Hart’s Stable of men. The Champagne is flowing freely.
-The Undertaker with Paul Bearer VS. Superfly Jimmy Snuka: The Beginning of The Streak, although it would be a long time before it was even acknowledged. For a little perspective, the combined ages of the two men who would beat him at WrestleMania on this date is 18. Monsoon calls Snuka The Phenom. Undertaker gets some cheers as he comes out. They just stare at each other to start. Undertaker attacks. He does his patented flying throat slam to Snuka. Undertaker gets a boot up at a Snuka corner charge and Snuka falls to the outside. Undertaker suplexes him back in from the apron. Undertaker misses an elbow drop. Undertaker ducks a Snuka crossbody attempt and Snuka lands stomach first onto the ropes and falls outside. Coming back, Snuka goes for a clothesline from the ropes, but Taker catches him. He puts the tombstone on him and pins him. Undertaker is 1-0 at WrestleMania.
-Flashback to what has led to the Career VS. Career match between The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. They show Gorilla and Bobby on camera and as Gorilla is talking about the match, something catches Bobby’s eye. He glances over and has this look on his face. He gets Gorilla’s attention as Howard Finkel starts the introductions for the match. This is a masterful job by Heenan and Monsoon here. Heenan has the director follow to where he is pointing. He has seen Miss Elizabeth in the crowd. Heenan says that’s a low move to come and see if Savage is going to lose. Randy Savage and Queen Sherri are brought to the ring on a throne carried by 6 men. Savage throws an arm up and gets some cheers. Queen Sherri’s outfit awakened some feelings for a 13 year old that I will cherish forever. When the Warrior’s music hits, he doesn’t come out right away. He then walks to the ring instead of running to show the magnitude of the match. Both Gorilla and Bobby comment on it. When he gets to the ring, he does shake the ropes. A Warrior chant goes out. Both men preen to the crowd from a turnbuckle. They do a brief lockup but break it up as Donald Trump has finally made it to his seat. Warrior pushes Savage down. Savage doing some bumping early for the business. Savage rolls out to regroup, but flies back in when he sees Warrior turn his back to look at Queen Sherri. Warrior comes back and clotheslines Savage. He then gives Savage two atomic drops. Queen Sherri comes in but Warrior throws Savage on her and they both go rolling out. Savage gets tied in the ropes for a minute and Warrior kicks him. Savage coming back. Double clothesline. Savage goes for a crossbody, but Warrior catches him. He sets him down and slaps him. Savage goes outside and throws a chair in and attacks Warrior when the referee throws the chair back out of the ring. Blow for blow Savage is selling hard. Warrior kicking Savage in the corner. Savage moves as Warrior misses a corner charge and goes flying out. Queen Sherri attacks Warrior on the outside and Savage hits a top rope double ax handle to the outside. Queen Sherri attacks again. Warrior pushes Queen Sherri down and Savage hits Warrior from behind. He then runs him into the corner post. Queen Sherri attacks again. A Savage knee drop gets a two count. A Warrior backslide then gets a two count. Savage backs up and spits on the Warrior. Queen Sherri comes up on the apron to distract Warrior, but Savage gets caught and Warrior clotheslines him. Warrior runs the ropes and goes to shoulder tackle Savage but Savage stays low and slams Warrior down on the canvas. He gets a two count from it. Savage gets a sleeper on. Queen Sherri up on the apron pounding her hands and the referee pushes her off. Warrior fighting back. Another double clothesline. Queen Sherri trying to revive Savage. The referee again goes to yell at Queen Sherri while Warrior gets a small package on Savage. Warrior gets up to argue the call and Savage hits Warrior with a high knee to the back that knocks Warrior into the referee. Savage holds Warrior for Queen Sherri to take her shoe off and hit him with it from the top rope, but Warrior moves and she hits Savage. Warrior then goes after Queen Sherri. He gets her on the apron, but Savage rolls him up for a two count. Savage runs Warrior into the corner. Savage hits a stun gun on Warrior. Savage then does his patented jump the top rope guillotine the other guy move. Savage slams Warrior for a two count. Savage then delivers 5 consecutive flying elbow smashes from the top rope on Warrior. He then covers him and gets a 2.5 count. Savage can’t believe the Warrior kicked out and neither can the crowd or the commentators. Savage argues with the referee. Warrior starts his comeback. He’s shaking the ropes. He clotheslines Savage several times. Liz is looking worried. He press slams Savage and hits him with the big splash. He then gets a 2.5 count and the crowd doesn’t know what to do. The Warrior looks up and asks his gods or higher power or little warriors or whatever if it is time for him to step aside or continue. Donald Trump also looked up and I laughed. Queen Sherri is almost halfway into the ring beating the mat trying to get Savage to get up. The Warrior steps halfway through the ropes as if he were leaving. The referee asks him if he knows what he is doing as his career would be over if he gets counted out. Savage climbing and trying to make his way up and knocks Warrior to the outside of the ring. He gets Warrior over a barricade and gets Queen Sherri to hold him as Savage goes to the top rope to double ax handle Warrior but Warrior moves at the last second and plants a fist into Savage’s midsection. Warrior throws Savage back in and says now I know. He shakes the ropes. He hits a big shoulder block that knocks Savage back outside. Warrior throws him back in. He hits another shoulder block that knocks Savage back outside. Warrior throws him back in. A third shoulder block. He then pins Savage with one foot standing on him. The crowd loves it. Queen Sherri is in utter shock. Warrior grabs his jacket, gets up on the turnbuckles to salute the crowd, and then puts his foot back on Savage, who hasn’t moved, to acknowledge the cheers. Warrior then leaves. Queen Sherri throws the referee out of the way. She is just berating Savage. She takes off the chain part of her outfit and kicks Savage. Even Heenan is like Sherri, he did his best, and he survived longer than anyone else could have. She kicks him over and over as they show Elizabeth in the crowd and Monsoon calls Sherri an ingrate. More kicks and then Queen Sherri runs Savage’s head into the mat. Liz comes over the barricade. As more people realize who it is, the ovation gets louder. She grabs Sherri by the hair and tosses her out to a big ovation. She goes to check on Savage, who swats her away without seeing who it is. He crawls to the corner and finally gets up. He goes to punch Liz thinking that it is Sherri before realizing who it is. He asks her why she is here. She’s crying. Sherri is screaming at ringside as the referee is dragging her away. The ref tells Savage what happened. The crowd is cheering Savage and Liz. They are encouraging him. Savage is unsure, then they embrace to a big pop. People are weeping in the crowd. He lifts her up and puts her on his shoulder. They show the guy with the yellow thing on his head and glasses and I realize that he is dressed like the Macho King. It took me thirty years to realize that. Women in the audience are weeping and cheering. Liz holds the ropes for Savage and he says not this time and holds the ropes for her. The fans give him a standing ovation before he leaves the ring.
-If you plot the story of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth at WrestleMania, it would be from WrestleMania’s 2-8. Two is our introduction to the two kind of with George Steele, then 3 with the Ricky Steamboat match which also includes Steele, then as you show that Savage is a great wrestler at 3, he has to put on the ultimate wrestling exhibition at 4, then you have his downfall leading to 5, his time in the darkness that also brings Elizabeth back at 6, then finally redemption and a return to the good side with him and Elizabeth reuniting at 7 before you have him regain the championship at 8. A solid story of those two at WrestleMania.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan talk about the Intercontinental Title Match. They then talk about the WWF Title Match and the career ending match that just occurred.
-Regis Philben is with The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. He tries to interview them and they are busy measuring him.
-Alex Trebek is with Demolition and Mr. Fuji. They say that Mr. Fuji is the only one with all of the answers and Fuji says soon Jap opponent will know all about it. Yikes. Then Alex repeats it to add gravitas. Double Yikes.
-Regis is talking to Tenyru and Kitao. Regis says they are straight from Japan Connie Chung eat your heart out. This part of the show doesn’t age well and isn’t getting any easier is it? Regis tries to interview them about strategy but they don’t say anything. He finally gets them to acknowledge Toyota, Isuzu, and Columbia pictures. They finally ask for Kathie Lee.
-Alex is with Jake Roberts and Damien. Alex is scared of snakes, but Jake says Damien is a big fan of Jeopardy.
-Demolition Smash and Crush with Mr. Fuji VS. Tenyru and Kitao: Monsoon says Ax and Smash as they come to the ring, but I will give him a pass for that as Ax and Smash were a team for a long time. Demolition attack before the bell. This is a bathroom and popcorn match as there are a lot of empty seats. Kitao takes on both members of Demolition. All four in. Fuji hits Kitao with his cane. Lots of stereotypical jokes by Heenan in this one. Demolition double teaming on Kitao. Heenan says I smell Kikkoman. I thought it was a Japanese cologne for a long time and didn’t understand Monsoon’s filling your belly comment. Tenyru tagged in and unloads on both members of Demolition. Crush hits a backbreaker on Tenyru. They set Tenyru up for the Demolition Decapitation but Kitao pushes Crush off. Tenyru then does a powerbomb on Smash to get the pin. Heenan bails to get ready for the next match.
-Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man. Boss Man is probably in the best shape of his life. He says that he will be the champion and get revenge for Bobby Heenan making fun of his mother.
-Sean Mooney talks to Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan. Heenan makes reference to the Rodney King beating that took place shortly before this and says he will provide the same thing at WrestleMania for free when Mr. Perfect takes on The Big Boss Man.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan VS. The Big Boss Man: Boss Man gets a nice ovation coming out. Lord Alfred Hayes joins Gorilla Monsoon at commentary. Perfect throws his towel at Boss Man who wipes it on his butt and throws it back. They then spit on each other. Then, Perfect slaps Boss Man then bails to the outside but Boss Man follows and slaps Perfect who oversells the slap. Boss Man in control. He and Perfect are working their asses off. A weasel chant goes out. Boss Man gets his leg on the opponents head on the ropes move in IYDAH. Boss Man takes his belt off. He lashes Perfect with it. Perfect then gets the belt and wraps his hand with it and nails Boss Man. They trade shots. Big corner whip on Boss Man by Perfect. Perfect gets an abdominal stretch on and Heenan says to ring the bell as he goes over to the timekeeper. Standing dropkick by Perfect. He then does his patented rolling snap mare. Perfect goes for the Perfectplex, but Boss Man blocks it and turns it into a small package for a two count. Perfect then does a reverse rolling snap mare. Perfect goes up top, but Boss Man gets a leg up. Perfect then bumping all over for Boss Man. He posts Perfect. It goes outside and Perfect throws Boss Man into the ring steps. Heenan then kicks Boss Man. Andre the Giant comes out in what would be his final WrestleMania Appearance. Heenan does a retreat. Andre grabs the IC belt as he continues to stalk Heenan. Boss Man knocked out and as Perfect goes over to Andre and the referee is distracted, Andre nails Perfect with the belt. Both men are down and the referee is counting both down. Boss Man gets up first. He struggles over and gets a close two count. Haku and The Barbarian come in for the disqualification. Andre nails Perfect while Boss Man takes care of Haku and Barbarian. Boss Man raises his arms victorious, but of course doesn’t win the title. Boss Man thanks Andre, and then they leave. Lord Alfred leaves the announce position.
-Mean Gene interviews Donald Trump. He says he is here enjoying WrestleMania with some friends and hopes to host WrestleMania again real soon. Gene then interviews Chuck Norris. Norris says the wrestlers are great athletes. Henry Winkler is then interviewed and says he is happy that The Ultimate Warrior got his ultimate win. Lou Ferrigno is interviewed. He says it’s like real life superheroes.
-Earthquake with Jimmy Hart VS. Greg Valentine: Heenan is back at the announce table and says that he and Donald Trump are going out later. Earthquake gets a two count after a big slam. Valentine comes back as Earthquake misses a big slam and Monsoon pulls out his it takes Greg Valentine 15 minutes to get warmed up bit IYDAH. Heenan talks about Andre showing up and being bewildered because they are “good friends”. Gorilla doesn’t buy it of course. Valentine trying to knock Earthquake down. He finally gets him down and goes for the figure four. Hart climbs up on the apron to taunt Valentine, who goes after Hart and gets attacked from behind by Earthquake. Earthquake drops the elbow then does the sit down splash for the pin. He goes for another one but Valentine rolls out of the ring.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Legion of Doom. Animal says they should be the new tag champs, but they got screwed by Power & Glory. Hawk then does a variation on the Sour & Gory line that he made famous in the Coliseum Video version of the show.
-The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal VS. Power & Glory Hercules and Paul Roma with Slick: Power & Glory double team the LOD as the ring introductions are made. Hawk then hits a double clothesline. Hawk and Hercules battle outside. Roma knocks Animal down. He goes off the top rope but Animal power slams him after catching him. Animal then picks Roma up for Hawk to do the Doomsday Device. Quick pin. They mime that they want the tag titles around their waists.
-Flashback to what led to the Ted DiBiase and Virgil match.
-Ted DiBiase VS. Virgil with Roddy Piper: DiBiase comes out first, then they announce Piper who comes down on a crutch due to a real life motorcycle accident. Piper calls out Virgil who gets a nice pop coming out. Virgil chant goes out and he is hitting DiBiase to start with. DiBiase rolls out to regroup. Virgil hits a back elbow and gets a two count. DiBiase then gets a back elbow and a clothesline. He then hits a piledriver and a suplex for a two count. A gut wrench suplex also gets a two count. DiBiase throws Virgil out and then pushes Piper down. The crowd boos. Back in, DiBiase hits a power slam as Piper fights to get back to his feet. Piper uses his crutch to pull the top rope down and DiBiase falls out. He then punches Piper. DiBiase doesn’t pay attention and gets counted out. DiBiase attacks Virgil and puts the million dollar dream on him. Some fans help Piper up and he gets in the ring. He hits DiBiase with his crutch. Sensational Sherri comes down and grabs the crutch and she and DiBiase attack Piper. They go after the bad leg. Virgil grabs the crutch and the heels leave. Piper is telling everyone to stay away from him. Virgil says to Piper to get up. Piper finally does.
-Sean Mooney interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. Mooney shows highlights of what led to the title match. Adnan says some stuff in Iraqi and then Slaughter says he’s the champ and he plays by his own rules and he will see Hulk Hogan on his back defeated. He says he is willing to be disqualified or counted out to remain champion.
-The Mountie with Jimmy Hart VS. Tito Santana: Santana hits the flying forearm early and then runs Mountie and Hart into each other before throwing Mountie back in. Santana in control. Mountie gets the cattle prod on Santana's stomach to get the pin when the referee wasn’t looking.
-Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan. Hogan says Sgt. Slaughter will never burn the Hulk Hogan symbol again and that Hogan has secret weapons. Hogan says he isn’t the same person that was attacked by Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. He tears his shirt towards the end.
-Alex Trebek, Marla Maples, and Regis Philben are introduced. Heenan says he and Monsoon don’t need Regis to join them.
-People hiss Slaughter and Adnan as they come out. Hogan gets a huge ovation as he comes out. A USA chant goes out. Slow to start. Slaughter is slow in taking his stuff off. Hogan chant goes out. Collar and elbow. They shove the referee as they are against the ropes. USA chant again as Hogan shoves Slaughter off. Slaughter rolls out to regroup with Adnan. Hogan comes out after Slaughter and Adnan goes to attack him and Hogan then goes after Adnan. Slaughter gets a chair to hit Hogan. It has no effect on Hogan. Slaughter sticks his finger into Hogan’s eye and takes over. USA chant starts again. Slaughter misses an elbow smash. Heenan asks Regis to his victory party and Regis says he can’t make it that night but perhaps Kathie Lee Gifford could come and Bobby says they’re full. LOL. Hogan nails Adnan. Hogan hits a corner charge. Hogan then hits an atomic drop for a two count. It goes outside and Hogan rakes Slaughter’s back. Back in, a Hogan running elbow gets a two count. Hogan then hits a back drop. Slaughter does his patented corner bump off of an Irish whip. Hogan hits a high knee. Hogan then hits a slingshot into the corner on Slaughter then delivers several punches. Hogan hits another Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Hogan beating Slaughter from pillar to post, but can’t get the three count. Slaughter catches Hogan coming off of the second rope, but Hogan recovers and slams Slaughter. Hogan goes up top, but Adnan grabs his leg and Slaughter slams him off the top rope. Slaughter clotheslines Hogan outside. Slaughter hits Hogan several times with a chair. He then wraps a TV cable around Hogan’s neck. Hogan chant goes out. Back in, Slaughter focuses on Hogan’s back. Slaughter hits a backbreaker for a two count. Slaughter gets a Boston crab on. Hogan gets to the ropes and Slaughter thinks he has won. Slaughter focuses on the back again. He drops a knee on the kidney area. Adnan distracts the referee but messes up a Slaughter pin attempt. Slaughter only gets a two count. Hogan is busted open. The crowd is really getting into it. Slaughter gets the camel clutch on Hogan. Hogan hulking up! He gets to his feet but Slaughter rams Hogan into the post. Slaughter gets the Iraqi flag and drapes it over Hogan. Hogan Hulks up again! Hogan rips the Iraqi flag. Punches Slaughter. Big Boot, Leg Drop, and Pin. New WWF Champion! The crowd loves it. Hogan brings Old Glory into the ring and waves it as Gorilla Monsoon says that the Gulf War is officially over. Hogan Must Pose. Gorilla wishes us a good night and signs off from Los Angeles.