Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 71 Notes

-I take a bag of mail for a trip.
-How’s the app working? Busy.
-My wife uses way too much toilet paper. Like buying milk by the quart or half gallon, it will ruin you financially.
-My debit card information was stolen. I would have rather been beaten with a brick stick.
-Today we return to the AWA and take a look at The Road to SuperClash III.
-This was recorded in Louisville, KY on September 18, 1988 for episodes of AWA on ESPN.
-Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek on commentary.
-The Top Guns Ricky Rice and John Paul VS. Terry Adonis and The Beast: Paul and Beast start. Paul with the advantage. He works on the arm of the Beast. Rice tagged in. Gets a side headlock on Beast. Rice reverses a hip toss. Paul and Adonis both tagged in. Paul does a big hip toss out of the corner on Adonis. Paul gets a one count. Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek talk about the Main Event of SuperClash III coming up. Rice tagged in and hits a big dropkick on Adonis to get the pin.
-AWA International Television Championship Match. Ron Garvin VS. Scott Steiner: Steiner very young and green here. They talk about Garvin winning the title from Greg Gagne. Steiner hits a big slam early. A shoving match turns into a big right hand from Garvin and Steiner goes down. Garvin then does the Garvin Stomp which someone somewhere once thought was a good idea. Steiner blocks and reverses Garvin into the corner post. Garvin ducks a crossbody attempt by Steiner though. He then knocks Steiner out with a right hand punch and sits on him to pin him.
-Kerry Von Erich VS. Gary Young with Downtown Bruno: Bruno gets on the apron to yell at Von Erich and gets a discus punch for his trouble. Young attacks Von Erich. He hits a sloppy clothesline on Von Erich. That gets a two count. Von Erich hits a discus punch on Young who counters with a sloppy crossbody. But Von Erich rolls through and gets the pin.
-Mike Enos VS. Greg Gagne: Future Beverly Brother VS. Groovy Greg here. Future manager of the Moondogs in Memphis Richard Lee is the referee. Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek take a page out of JR’s book talking about amateur credentials IYDAH. They look like they mess up a few moves to start. Then Gagne hits a couple of arm drags. They talk about Gagne losing the TV title recently to Ron Garvin which was actually the night before at the TV taping in Nashville, TN. Gagne works an arm lock but Enos coming back. Enos throws Gagne into a corner, but Gagne gets a foot up as Enos comes charging in. Gagne unloads on Enos hitting a backdrop and a dropkick. Gagne gets the sleeper on. Enos goes down and Gagne wins.
-Madusa and Sylvia VS. Wendy Richter and Mimi: Davis McClain from POWW joins Lee on commentary. Madusa and Richter start. All Richter to begin. She gets a leg scissors pin for a two count. Madusa fighting hard to get out of the hold as David and Lee talk about POWWs participation at SuperClash III. Madusa powers out and Mimi tags in. Madusa overpowers her at first, but Mimi comes back with a snap mare and an arm drag into an arm lock. Madusa gets up, but Mimi still has a wrist lock as Wendy yells at her to break Madusa’s arm. Madusa gets Mimi into the heel’s corner and they punish Mimi as the ref gets Richter out of the ring as she tries to help Mimi. Madusa with a snap mare and more punishment to Mimi. Richter comes in and Madusa goes after her as Sylvia holds Mimi. They then set both faces up to collide into each other. The faces reverse it and double dropkick Sylvia. Madusa then gets a snap mare onto Richter. Then Madusa hits a big suplex. Richter then gets Madusa tied up into a corner and hits a spear. Then Madusa tied to the tree of woe until Sylvia comes over to break it up. Madusa gets Richter into a front face lock. Madusa then hits an awkward bridging side suplex for a two count. They are rolling around on the mat trying to get an advantage when the bell rings. Sylvia tries to say Madusa won. It is very confusing. Madusa may have accidently given up. It is not made clear. Richter gets on the mic and says she wants a title match. Mimi says Madusa’s name should be Macaroni Miceli because she keeps slipping away like a wet noodle.
-Badd Company Paul Diamond and Pat Tanaka with Diamond Dallas Page VS. Nature’s Best Bill and Darrell Justin: Nature’s Best with the early advantage on Tanaka. Diamond tagged in and hits a big clothesline. Tanaka tags back in and delivers a head butt. Lee Marshall keeps saying Earl Justin, but the match description and everything I could find online says Darrell Justin. Badd Company hits a Hart Attack like double team move but pull the opponent up before the three count. I don’t know if it’s Bill or Darrell because they haven’t been identified. They do a flying guillotine and again pull the opponent up. The Justin in the ring rolls Diamond up and almost gets a three count and Tanaka tagged in. Big hits and quick tags, but the other Justin tagged in. He hits two slams and a dropkick. Diamond super kicks Justin into a Tanaka bridging suplex for the pin.
-Verne Gagne joins commentary.
-The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Hangman and Terry Adonis: All Rock N Roll to begin as Lee and Verne talk about the upcoming PPV and that the Rock N Roll will meet The Stud Stable. Morton hits a big DDT on The Hangman. Gibson tagged in. Adonis also tagged in. Gibson hits a top rope maneuver. Morton then tagged in and hits a dropkick. Gibson back in and they hit the double dropkick for the pin.
-WCCW Texas Championship Match: Iceman King Parsons VS. Michael Hayes: Hayes gets a good reaction coming out. Hayes with the advantage with a big clothesline. Parsons rolls out. Back in, Hayes gets a side headlock on. Parsons comes back with a big headbutt. He brutalizes Hayes for a couple of minutes before getting him down with a big clothesline. Hayes coming back and tries a sunset flip, but Parsons with a big right hand. Parsons tries a corner charge but misses as Lee and Verne talk about a big man battle royal that is supposed to take place at the PPV but ends up not happening. Hayes hits a backdrop. Parsons misses a clothesline. Hayes hits a crossbody. The SST and Buddy Roberts hit the ring and attack Hayes for the DQ. Steve Cox and Kerry Von Erich come in to make the save.
-Steve Cox VS. Terry Garvin: Cox with a big right hand but misses an elbow. Garvin slaps Cox, but he no sells it and unloads on Garvin. Cox hits a clothesline. Side Russian leg sweep gets the three count for Cox.
-Lee Marshall interviews Stanley Blackburn about SuperClash III. He says people are coming from all over the world for the event.
-Soldat Ustinov with Tijoe Khan VS. Sgt. Slaughter: Supposed to be a tag match with Jimmy Snuka as Slaughter’s partner, but he was injured in Japan. Slaughter leaves the ring and goes to the back and he comes back with Keith Erich. So now it is a tag match. Slaughter and Khan start out. Slaughter unloads on Khan. Erich tagged in. Erich with an arm bar. Ustinov tagged in. He hits a big clothesline for a two count. Ustinov with a suplex but pulls Erich up before the three count. Khan tagged in. He punishes Erich. Quick tags by the heels punishing Erich and keeping him in their corner. They keep pulling him up before the three count. Khan punishes Erich by rubbing his head against the top rope. Ustinov slams Erich and again pulls him up before the three count. Khan hits a big power slam and a clothesline. Double clothesline and both men down. Both Slaughter and Khan tagged in and the crowd comes alive. Slaughter hits a big back drop, the Slaughter cannon, and the Cobra Clutch. Col. DeBeers appears at ringside. He piledrives Erich. Slaughter takes off after him. He doesn’t make it back to ringside in time and gets counted out. Slaughter attacks both heels. Slaughter then argues with the referee.
-Lee Marshall interviews Sgt. Slaughter. He says he wants Col. DeBeers in a match. DeBeers comes out and throws a stretcher towards Slaughter. Slaughter wants to go at it with DeBeers now and gets into the ring. DeBeers comes towards him and spits at him and retreats. Slaughter says he wants a boot camp match.
-Wahoo McDaniel VS. Manny Fernandez: Big chop by McDaniel and Fernandez rolls out of the ring as they talk about what has led up to this match. They trade blows. Very cautious. McDaniel keeps unloading on Fernandez with chops. Fernandez then unloads on McDaniel in the corner and gets McDaniel with a leg lock. McDaniel trying to chop his way out of the hold. A big leg kick by McDaniel breaks the hold. Back and forth. A pair of back elbows by Fernandez and McDaniel is bleeding. They exchange chops. They go outside. Fernandez ran into the ringside barricade. Back in, McDaniel gets a two count. They go back outside. They exchange chops outside. They both get counted out. Fernandez then leaves ringside.
-Lee Marshall interviews Wahoo McDaniel. McDaniel says he is not afraid of Fernandez and when SuperClash III comes around, he will beat Fernandez or quit.
-Six Man Tag Match: The Rock N Roll RPM’s Mike Davis and Tommy Lane and The Hangman with Downtown Bruno VS. Mando, Chavo, and Hector Guerrero: Frank Dusek rejoins commentary. Fast and furious action. Hector hits a few flying head scissors on Davis. Heels coming back, but all three Guerrero’s clear the ring. Chavo takes on Lane. Mando tagged in and takes Lane with a monkey flip and Hector tagged back in. Quick tags by the faces. Davis and Mando trade blows. Chavo and Lane also trade blows. The heels work over Hector. Chavo tagged in. All 6 men in now. Faces do a three man rowboat on the heels. Chavo hits a moonsault on Hangman for the pin. The RPMs try to double team Chavo, but his brothers make the save.
-Alan Reynolds VS. Colonel DeBeers with Diamond Dallas Page: DDP threatens Sgt. Slaughter before the match as the Diamond Dolls bring the stretcher to ringside. DeBeers just battering Reynolds. Lee Marshall announces that it will be a boot camp match at SuperClash III between Slaughter and DeBeers. DeBeers does the DeBeers Diamond Cutter (Pedigree) to get the pin. They take Reynolds out on a stretcher.
-The SST with Buddy Roberts VS. Ray Odyssey and Sean Baxter: All SST to begin. They hit a double savate kick on Reynolds. They then finish him off with the splash for the pin. They then beat up Baxter.
-Verne Gagne rejoins commentary.
-Jerry Lawler VS. Terry Adonis: Adonis hits Lawler and then runs. Lawler hits a big right hand. Then Lawler hits a big clothesline. Then a big right hand from the top rope to get the pin.
-The Stud Stable Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden with Sylvia and Downtown Bruno VS. Brickhouse Brown and Bill Dundee: Brown starting out hot and taking on both members of the Stud Stable. All four in and Dundee and Brown double atomic drop on The Stud Stable. Both Stud Stable are then run into the same corner. Stud Stable coming back on Dundee. Dundee gets a shot in and gets a two count. Golden with an arm wringer on Dundee. Then Golden with a wrist lock on Dundee. They get over to the corner and Fuller grabs who he thinks is Dundee to do an arm wringer but it’s really Golden. Dundee thrown outside and gets beat by Sylvia with the kendo stick. Dundee with a body press on Golden. Brown tagged in. He goes at it with Golden. Dundee goes after Bruno and Fuller on the outside. Brown gets a body press and the referee starts to count as Sylvia comes in with the kendo stick for the disqualification. Cactus Jack comes in and starts beating Brown and Dundee up. Jeff Jarrett comes in to even the odds. Jimmy Valiant also comes in to help.
-Lee Marshall interviews Bill Dundee. He says he and his crew will take on the Stud Stable anywhere.
-10-man tag The Rock N Roll Express, The Top Guns, and Jeff Jarrett VS. Badd Company, The Rock N Roll RPMs, and Cactus Jack with Diamond Dallas Page and the Diamond Dolls: Cactus Jack and Rice start. There are 5 WWE Hall of Famers involved in this match. Rice and Jack trade shots in the corner and Jack then misses a corner charge. Rice then has an arm bar on Jack. Paul then tagged in and continues to work the arm. Morton in and the faces are doing quick tags. They continue to focus on the arm. Gibson and then Jarrett in. Lane tagged in. Jarrett gives all the heels a shot. Davis in and then Paul tagged in. Paul works on Davis’ arm. Morton and Tanaka tagged in. Morton then hits a big gut shot. Gibson tagged in and hits an enziguri to Tanaka. Jarrett in and Tanaka knocks him down. Jarrett then hits a big right hand to Tanaka. Jarrett then runs Tanaka into the post and then all the faces get a shot in and Tanaka is groggy. Gibson in and he hits a DDT. Morton tagged in. He hits some shots. Paul tagged in. Tanaka tagged in and punishes Paul. Davis tagged and gets Paul down. Jack tagged in and hits a back elbow. He gets a cradle that Jarrett breaks up. Diamond tagged in. Paul gets a sunset flip, but the referee was distracted by Tanaka and so it only gets a one count. The heels now doing quick tags. Tanaka hitting some hard shots. Back and forth. Gibson tagged in. He misses a dropkick and Tanaka hits a back elbow. All 10 men in and the crowd comes alive. Morton trips Tanaka and Gibson gets the pin. Everyone continues to brawl after the match.
-Lee Marshall interviews the winners. Jeff Jarrett says that tonight is going to be nothing like December 13. The Top Guns say that they are ready for Badd Company December 13. The Rock N Roll Express say they are looking for their 5th world tag team title.
-Jimmy Valiant and Jerry Lawler VS. Kerry Von Erich and Michael Hayes. Frank Dusek back on commentary. Hayes tries to get the crowd on his team’s side, but this is clearly a pro Lawler crowd. Lots of stalling before they finally lock up. Von Erich and Lawler start. Lawler with the early advantage. Von Erich with a big right hand, but Lawler has his foot on the ropes so no pin. Von Erich goes for a piledriver, but it’s illegal in this territory, so he goes for a discus punch and misses and Lawler hits a big right hand. A small package by Von Erich, but Lawler’s foot again on the ropes. Lawler goes for a pin, but now Von Erich’s foot is on the ropes. Lawler goes for a fist drop, but misses and gets nailed by Von Erich. Lawler gets his foot up on a Von Erich corner charge. Von Erich hits a big right hand, but both men down. Lawler hits a big dropkick. Then Von Erich hits his own dropkick. They then try a dropkick at the same time and both men down. Valiant and Hayes both finally tagged in. Valiant goes for a big right on Hayes’s head while he has him in a headlock, but Hayes blocks it twice, so Valiant hits him with a mule kick. Hayes trying to come back. It goes outside. They fight and Von Erich and Lawler both try to push their partner back into the ring and as they do the bell rings. There is a bit of confusion. All four going at it. Von Erich slugs the referee and Lawler pulls the strap down. He beats Von Erich down. Match was ruled a double count out. Hayes gets on the mic and says that Von Erich and Lawler should settle their issues now and he and Valiant will stay out of it. Referee waiving it off. Von Erich gets on the mic and says if he were to beat Lawler it wouldn’t count so he’s going to wait until SuperClash III. Valiant gets on the mic and says Lawler is going to be a double champion.
-Lee Marshall then signs off from Louisville.