Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 70 Notes

-Night one of WrestleMania 37 happened last night as I record this. It was bound to happen with all those outdoor WrestleMania’s eventually as they had a bit of a rain delay to start things off.
-I continue to work on the puzzle that never ends as my wife is preoccupied with packing as she is going to be away from home for a few days. She packs for every trip as if she’s storming the beach.
-Today we look at the SNME from July 1990.
-SNME XXVII was broadcast on NBC on July 28, 1990. It was recorded July 18, 1990 from the Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, NE. This is a Special Wild Kingdom edition of the show since they are in Omaha. End of an era: This is Jesse’s last SNME as he would leave the WWF a month later after a dispute with Vince McMahon over Video Game Rights.
-They run down what we are going to see.
-Opening Credits
-Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude say The Ultimate Warrior is just another link in the food chain. Rude says he did it once, and he can do it again.
-The Ultimate Warrior says he’s the biggest animal in the Jungle.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: Rude attacks early. Warrior is so powerful. Both men down at one point. Rude attacks Warrior with the belt. Back and forth. Warrior carrying the blue belt which stands out. Rude gets a sleeper on. A Warrior chant goes out. Warrior fights out of the sleeper. Rude hits the Rude Awakening, but Warrior kicks out at 2. Warrior gets the shoulder tackle and splash, but Heenan pulls him off. Warrior goes after Heenan and Rude attacks Warrior and they fight on the floor. Warrior attacks Heenan inside of the ring. Rude is counted out.
-Lord Alfred Hayes and Mean Gene Okerlund talk about Wild Animals. This is very hokey.
-Hulk Hogan tribute video and flashback to Earthquake attacking him. You would think that Hogan died after watching this video.
-Vince is in the ring to interview Hogan. Hogan’s pop is big as he comes out. He thanks everyone for their love, support, cards, and letters. He says he’s been attacked from behind before, but he’s going to take Earthquake on at SummerSlam. He also adds that he’s going to have Tugboat in his corner.
-Earthquake, Dino Bravo, and Jimmy Hart come out. They surround Hulk Hogan and then Tugboat comes out. The heels eventually leave.
-Lord Alfred Hayes and Mean Gene encounter Koko B. Ware and Jake Roberts in the wild. Then they see The Bushwhackers.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax, Smash, and Crush VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Smash and Crush are the two members who actually wrestle. Rockers in Control early. Clunky at times with a mishmash of styles. Demolition comes back. It breaks down. Ax comes in and clotheslines Michaels for Crush to pin him while the referee is distracted. The Rockers are disputing the call and all 5 men are in the ring now and The Hart Foundation come to ringside. Then the newly arrived Legion of Doom come to ringside. Jesse tells them all to live with the call that was made in the ring.
-Another Wild Kingdom segment.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect say that Tito Santana is not the perfect wrestler, Mr. Perfect is the Perfect Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan VS. Tito Santana: Perfect on the offensive early. Jesse makes a Tito sells enchiladas joke IYDAH. Santana coming back, it’s the 90’s, so Vince is starting his what a maneuver talk. Santana covers Perfect, but only gets a two count. Santana can’t seal the deal to win. The official gets injured, so a new official comes in. Perfect keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Perfect then regains control. Santana starts a comeback and Perfect is playing a human pinball with all of his bumping. Perfect then reverses a small package to win.
-Jesse interviews Earthquake, Dino Bravo, and Jimmy Hart. They promise that Hulk Hogan will leave the arena in an ambulance at SummerSlam.
-Lord Alfred and Mean Gene encounter Jimmy Snuka, Akeem, and Slick in the wild.
-Kerry Von Erich VS. Buddy Rose: Von Erich’s debut match. Rose with the early advantage. Von Erich comes back and Rose does the Andre rope spot. Later, Rose gets caught coming off the top rope. A discus punch and Von Erich gets the pin.
-Jesse interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. They say that The Ultimate Warrior is out of his element in a steel cage and that Rude will be the new WWF champion after SummerSlam.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he’s the most awesome force and he will walk in the champion at SummerSlam and he will leave the champion.
-Vince and Jesse talk about the Wild Kingdom they’ve experienced and Jesse says Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior may be two endangered Animals.
-Lord Alfred and Mean Gene wrap it up and Mean Gene has made a friend in a monkey.
-Vince says to Jesse: Dr. Livingston, I presume then says so long till they see you for a new season. Jesse says you presume wrong. This is very telling. Adios, Jesse.