Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 69 Notes

-I continue to plug away at my puzzle and dragging my wife along for the ride. We are making progress.
-I got my first vaccine shot on Saturday. I signed up early.
-Surreal moments surrounding this podcast continue: G. Gordon Liddy.
-Today, we will be looking at WrestleMania 2.
-WrestleMania 2 took place on Monday, April 7, 1986. The first and only WrestleMania to take place on a day other than Sunday before Covid-19. It originated from three locations: The Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, The Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois although it is commonly referred to as part of Chicago so that is what we will use here, and the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. The event was broadcast on PPV and via Closed Circuit.
-We start off in New York with Vince McMahon in the ring. He welcomes us to WrestleMania. He then brings on his cohost Susan St. James. She is a famous actress who was starring in the sitcom Kate & Allie at this time. She is also the wife of Dick Ebersol of NBC and SNME fame. Anti IYDAH game every time she says Uh Oh.
-Vince then brings on Ray Charles to sing America the Beautiful. He does a great job with the images interspersed on the screen as he sings.
-Mean Gene Okerlund then checks in from Chicago.
-Then we go to Roddy Piper with Bob Orton and Lou Duva in New York. Lou is holding the microphone and Lou is not announcer material. Roddy gives a classic Rowdy Roddy promo. He said if Mr. T knocks him out, he will quit boxing, wrestling, tiddlywinks, everything. He also says he will never paint himself black, which will ironically come up in four years.
-We go to the ring for Magnificent Muraco VS. Paul Orndorff. They work each other over. Back and Forth. Orndorff works a hold. They tumble out to the floor and continue to brawl as they both get counted out.
-We go to a Mr. T interview. He is with Smoking’ Joe Frazier and The Haiti Kid whom Piper and Orton had shaved to look like Mr. T.
-It is then time for the Intercontinental Championship Title Match.
-George Steele VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Susan St. James is a big Animal Steele fan.
-Savage is intense to start and Steele bites him. Steele gets a good crowd reaction. Vince brings up the George Steele Miss Elizabeth infatuation situation. There are flowers that someone wanted to give Liz that came into the ring and both men use. Steele then bites the turnbuckle and gets that spot in. Infatuation followed by a double ax handle to the outside from Savage to Steele then the elbow but only for a two count. Then Savage gets Steele down and pins him with his foot on the ropes.
-Mean Gene then checks in from Chicago. He interviews Bill Fralic from the Atlanta Falcons and Big John Studd. Big John Studd legit did not like NFL players being involved.
-Back to New York, Jake Roberts VS. George Wells. Wells has early offense and dominates most of the match. He makes a mistake and gets the DDT and the snake on him.
-Vince and Susan then recap the Roddy Piper and Mr. T Feud.
-From Los Angeles, Jesse Ventura interviews Hulk Hogan about his match with King Kong Bundy in a steel cage.
-Back in New York, Howard Finkel introduces guest Ring announcer Joan Rivers.
-Joan introduces the guest judges first: basketball star Darryl Dawkins, singer Cab Calloway, and famed Watergate guy G. Gordon Liddy.
-Then guest timekeeper, Herb, the Burger King guy.
-Joan Rivers then announces our Main Event scheduled for 10 rounds, a boxing match between Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper.
-There is a lot of real life animosity here.
-Although Mr. T is a little bit better at it, neither goes into a boxer’s stance.
-Round 2 Piper gets a knockdown. A Roddy chant goes up. Piper gets a shot in after the bell.
-Orton throws water towards T’s corner. Third round, T gets Piper down in the corner. A T chant goes up. Piper gets knocked down and out of the ring.
-Round 4 Piper throws a chair to begin the round. Slug Fest. Ref knocked down and Piper then slams T. Both sides brawl. T declared the winner via DQ.
-Vince and Susan then throw it to Gorilla Monsoon at the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago. He is joined by Mean Gene Okerlund and Cathy Lee Crosby. Chet Coppack is your ring announcer.
-WWF Ladies Championship: Velvet McIntire VS. The Fabulous Moolah: Velvet wrestles barefoot. Moolah wins after an awkward cross body press.
-Nikolai Volkoff with Classy Freddie Blassie VS. Corporal Kirchner in a Flag Match: Kirchner wins after intercepting the cane Fred Blassie threw it in and hitting Volkoff with it.
-Mean Gene is then announced to introduce the participants in the Battle Royal.
-Our Guest Timekeeper is Wendy’s Clara Peller who announces where’s the Beef?
-Our Guest Referees are Dick Butkas and Ed Too Tall Jones.
-Your participants: Bears Jimbo Covert, Pedro Moralas, Tony Atlas, Ted Arcidi, Cowboys Harvey Martin, Dan Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga, The Iron Sheik, Steelers Great Ernie Holmes, The Killer Bees, Big John Studd, Falcons Bill Fralic, Hart Foundation, 49ers Russ Francis, Bruno Sammartino, Bears William Perry, Andre The Giant
-Guest Commentator for this match is the Big Cat himself, Ernie Ladd. This is a typical battle royal, the final four are Andre, The Hart Foundation and Russ Francis. Studd eliminated Perry who called for a handshake then pulled Studd over to eliminate him. Andre gets tied up in the ropes. Then the Hart Foundation eliminate Russ Francis. They then double team Andre in the corner. He kicks them off. Double Noggin Knocker. Big boot and Neidhart is gone and then throws Bret on him. Your winner Andre the Giant.
-Gorilla throws it back to Vince and Susan who are with Roddy Piper. He calls Mr. T and William Perry cheaters. They then recap the end of the boxing match.
-Mean Gene is then shown with Jimbo Covert. He says he got cheated. Fralic threw him out. Iron Sheik comes in and says naturally wrestlers are better.
-Gorilla Monsoon then recaps the end of the Battle Royal.
-WWF Tag Team Title Match: Two referees: The Dream Team Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake with Johnny Valiant VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Lou Albano and Ozzy Osbourne.
-Crisp wrestling from Valentine and Dynamite Kid. Back and forth between the two teams. British Bulldogs with the quick tags. Some close counts. Greg Valentine hits a piledriver on The Dynamite Kid, but only gets a two count. Smith later goes shoulder first into the post. Back and forth. Valentine hits the shoulder breaker, but pulls Smith up before the three count. Smith then slams Valentine into Dynamite Kid and Valentine gets pummeled and covered for the three count. New champions.
-Mean Gene interviews Captain Lou, The British Bulldogs, and Ozzy Osbourne. Cathy Lee Crosby is there too. She looks like she is having fun. Davey Boy Smith says there is where they are going to stay. Gorilla Monsoon says history has been made as he recaps the match. Gorilla and Cathy Lee then sign off from Chicago.
-Vince and Susan talk about the last match and preview the Los Angeles portion. They talk the ups and downs of Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy and their feud.
-Jesse Ventura, Lord Alfred Hayes, and Elvira welcome us to Los Angeles. They run down their portion of the event. Lee Marshall is your ring announcer.
-Hercules Hernandez with long hair here VS. Ricky Steamboat. Hercules dominates early. Steamboat counters. Then back and forth. A Steamboat chant goes up. Steamboat goes up and hits the cross body and gets the pin.
-Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. Uncle Elmer: They have some theatrics to start. Adonis turnbuckle spot to the floor. Repeat then knocked out. Tossed back in and is ties up in the ropes. Elmer misses the splash and Adonis hits the fist drop to get the pin.
-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Hulk Hogan. He’s ready for King Kong Bundy and the cage. They talk about the “coffin” ambulance ride from SNME and an ambulance siren plays as he’s talking. Weird.
-It must be from someone in the arena because you hear it at the start of the next match.
-Terry and “Hoss” Funk with Jimmy Hart in the ring. Terry roughing up Lee Marshall. They are taking on Tito Santana and The Junk Yard Dog.
-Jesse complains about JYD’s chain. Funk throws chairs into the ring. Finally starting. Back and forth. Stalling then by the Funks. Hoss hitting brutal shots when he is in there. Tito hits the flying forearm and gets a 2 count. Melee breaks out during the match. JYD punches Jimmy Hart. Jimmy then throws the megaphone to Terry Funk. He hits JYD and gets the pin.
-Bullshit chant from the crowd. Jesse then recaps the end of the match.
-They bring the Big Blue Cage in. Then they review the Hulk Hogan/King Kong Bundy feud.
-Mean Gene then shown in Hulk Hogan’s gym. Hogan’s ribs are taped, he’s with Hillbilly Jim and Dr. Bob. Doc has advised Hulk not to wrestle, but he has to. Hogan talks about his commitment to defend the belt.
-Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy. They talk about Bundymania running wild.
-Elvira throws it to Vince and Susan. She doesn’t like Bundymania. Back to LA and the cage is up. Lee Marshall announced guest ring announcer Tommy Lasorda.
-Lasorda introduces guest timekeeper Ricky Schroeder and guest referee Robert Conrad. King Kong Bundy is then introduced.
-Hulk Hogan is then introduced to a big pop. Hogan climbs the cage and rips the t shirt. Hogan strikes early. Bundy strikes back focusing on the ribs. Bundy goes for the door. Hogan keeps diving to hold onto him and preventing him from getting through the door. Bundy then continues to go for the ribs and uses the rib bandage to tie Hogan to the ropes. Hogan gets untied and dives for Bundy’s legs again. Hogan then comes back and drives Bundy into the cage a few times and Bundy is bleeding Hogan continues to slam him into the cage. Hogan goes for the slam and Bundy falls on him. Bundy then goes for the door and Hogan dives again and barely gets the leg. Hogan ties Bundy up. Bundy gets away and they repeat the door spot which works for this match. Bundy hits the avalanche but gets the Hulk up. Tries again, reversal, slam from Hogan, leg drop. Hogan climbs the cage, Bundy follows, and Bundy is slammed off. Hogan gets out and goes after Bobby Heenan. He gets Bobby in the cage and beats him up. Lasorda announces Hulk Hogan as the winner.
-Elvira says that if Jesse goes after Hogan and wins, she’ll go out with him.
-Hogan poses, Jesse signs off from Los Angeles and throws it to Vince who wishes us goodnight.