Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 68 Notes

-Happy Trails, Barry O and Blade Braxton.
-The Peacock Edits, It’s Show Business, It’s not Show Friends.
-My wife and I have different ideas on how to put together a puzzle.
-How do you want your hamburger?
-Today we look at WrestleMania 27 from the WWE.
-WrestleMania 27 took place on April 3, 2011 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA. There were 71,617 in attendance and the show did 1,059,000 buys on PPV.
-We get a welcome to WrestleMania before Keri Hilson comes on to sing America the Beautiful.
-WrestleMania intro and the intro of The Rock. He gets a good ovation as he makes his way to the ring. A “Rocky” chant goes out. This is a great way to pump up the crowd. He does a promo on John Cena talking about Fruity Pebbles. He really gets the crowd hyped up. Another “Rocky” chant goes out. He and the crowd finish with If you smell what The Rock is cooking!
-WrestleMania Homecoming video package.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge with Christian VS. Alberto Del Rio introduced by Ricardo Rodriguez: Del Rio comes out in a Rolls Royce. They show Brodus Clay at ringside who will be in Del Rio’s corner. As Christian comes out, the announcers are introduced. Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole, who is in his “Cole Mine’ cubicle. Edge gets a huge ovation coming out. Del Rio very aggressive starting out. Working on Edge’s injured arm. Moving in and out of the ring slamming the injured arm on the announce table, but can’t get the pin. Edge ducks a charge and Del Rio takes a sick bump to the outside. Edge then launches himself over the top rope and the crowd loves it. Then there is a wicked spot as Del Rio does a top rope arm drag to Edge. Edge hits a flapjack and you can tell that he is injured. Edge counters the cross arm breaker for a two count. A lets go Edge chant goes out. Del Rio puts on the cross arm breaker. Edge gets to the ropes. Edge hits a guillotine on Del Rio, then goes up top, but Del Rio hits an enziguri. Christian gets into it with Ricardo after he knocks Edge’s foot off the bottom rope. Clay slams Christian and Edge rolls Del Rio up for a two count. He hits the Edgecution and a cry for the spear goes up. The crowd gets to its feet. Del Rio ducks the spear and Clay grabs Edge and runs his arm into the post. Del Rio gets the cross arm breaker on again. Edge pushes Del Rio down for a pin but gets two and Del Rio has to break the hold to kick out. Edge puts on a modified sharpshooter. Christian takes out Clay. Del Rio powers out but Edge hits the spear to pin Del Rio. A giant ovation for Edge as he leaves. He stops by Del Rio’s car and points to it and the crowd chants do it to him. He starts kicking and beating it. Christian comes out with a tire iron and a crowbar. Del Rio begs them not to as they bust the car up. Edge then poses on top of the car. This would be Edge’s final match for 9 years as he retires due to injury the next day.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler bicker over their match coming up.
-Cody Rhodes VS. Rey Misterio: Recap of what led to their match tonight. Mysterio has on Captain America inspired gear. Rhodes very aggressive starting out. He gets a couple of two counts after some brutal moves. Misterio can’t get anything going. Rhodes with a big superplex. Misterio coming back. He hits some big moves. The crowd is quiet for this match. The fact that Rhodes is not wearing knee pads is distracting to me. The crowd starts to liven up when Misterio comes back, but quiet down when Rhodes stops it. Rhodes takes Misterio’s knee brace off. Misterio with a big moonsault to get a two count. Rhode’s protective mask that he is wearing comes off and Misterio hits a 619. He gets a couple of two counts. He then puts on Rhode’s mask. Rhodes kicks out of a Misterio splash and a small Cody chant goes out. The referee goes to throw the mask out of the ring and Rhodes hits Misterio with the knee brace and then hits the Cross Rhodes to win. Rhodes then covers his face as he leaves.
-This is not on the network version: Snoop Dogg does a backstage segment “auditioning WWE superstars” to go on tour. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper made a cameo otherwise this was a real momentum killer. The finale here was Hornswoggle rapping.
-Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett, and Justin Gabriel VS. The Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, and Kofi Kingston who is a replacement for Kozlov who the Corre took out during AXXESS: Slater and Marella start. Slater is just annihilated by Marella and then Big Show. Everyone in and hitting different moves. Big Show gets the knockout punch on Slater after Marella gets the Cobra on him. Big show then pins Slater.
-The Rock is shown backstage talking to Eve Torres. He then runs into Mae Young. She then says she wants the People’s strudel. She then slaps Rock’s ass. Rock then runs into Stone Cold. They exchange some small talk before shaking hands.
-Flashback to the tension and everything that has led to the Randy Orton-C.M. Punk match.
-Randy Orton VS. C.M. Punk: Punk has a nice ovation coming out, but Orton has a bigger ovation. Orton has a bandaged right knee. Both very aggressive starting out. Punk with a two count after a crossbody. Orton coming back. Punk concentrating on the leg, but can’t get the three count. Punk counters the RKO with a nice kick, but still only gets a two count. Orton crotches Punk on the top rope. He then hits a top rope superplex. Punk recovers and puts Orton in a figure four around the ring post. Orto breaks out but Punk continues the assault on the leg. Orton coming back and somehow hits a power slam. He can’t get the pin after a side suplex. Punk goes on offense with a barrage of kicks. Punk gets the anaconda vice on. Orton breaks out of it and runs punk into the corner post. He hits his rope DDT. He goes for a punt, but his leg gives out. He then goes for an RKO, but Punk pushes him off. Punk goes for a move off the top rope, but Orton hits the RKO in midair. He then gets the pin.
-The Rock is shown backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund. Rock says he’s heard John Cena’s #1 fan is coming to confront him because he’s upset with him and Mean Gene says he’s already here. Rock turns around and it’s Pee Wee Herman. He says U Can’t See Me! Rock says he can be on Team Bring It or the Fruit Loop Troop. He then shows Mean Gene in John Cena gear. Mean Gene then insults him. Pee Wee then joins Team Bring It.
-Howard Finkel announces the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame Class: Abdullah the Butcher, Sunny, The Road Warriors, Drew Carey, Bullet Bob Armstrong, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Shawn Michaels. Shawn gets a nice ovation coming out. It’s funny that he and Sunny went in the same year considering their history.
-Flashback to Jack Swagger trying to take Jerry Lawler out the previous Monday on Raw.
-Booker T and Jim Ross are introduced as commentators for the upcoming match.
-Michael Cole with Jack Swagger VS. Jerry Lawler: Stone Cold Steve Austin is the special guest referee. Cole comes out in a wrestling singlet and headgear insulting Lawler and JR. Austin comes out in an ATV. He almost hits Swagger coming down and runs Cole back into the “Cole Mine”. Lawler comes out but Cole won’t come into the ring saying he’s not ready yet. The bell rings. Lawler goes outside and takes out Swagger and Cole tries to beg off. Lawler then shakes Cole’s hand and then beats Cole against the Cole Mine. He throws Cole into the podium. He throws Cole into the ring and Swagger attacks Lawler outside. Cole hits Lawler with a baseball slide and Swagger applies the ankle lock to him on the outside. Austin slow counts and Lawler gets inside and then Cole attacks Lawler. Cole concentrating on the leg that Swagger attacked. Cole then does a Swagger Bomb from the bottom rope. He gets a two count. Lawler starting to come back. Cole goes back to attacking the leg. Cole pulls down a strap mimicking Lawler and applies his own ankle lock. Lawler fighting back. He stomps Cole in the corner. Swagger throws in the towel and says ring the bell. Austin wipes himself with the towel and throws it back to Swagger. Swagger climbs into the ring. He gets into Stone Cold’s face and gets stunned. Cole gets mad and slaps Stone Cole saying you don’t know who I am. He then pushes Stone Cole who pushes him back right into a right hand punch by Lawler. Lawler continues to punch Cole down. A Jerry chant goes out. He dropkicks Cole, climbs to the second rope, drops the strap, and hits the fist drop. He pulls Cole up after two. He puts Cole into an ankle lock and he immediately starts tapping. Austin finally rings the bell. Swagger carries Cole away. Lawler and Austin do a toast with some cans of beer. Booker T comes in the ring. He does the spineroonie. Then Austin stuns Booker T. Anonymous Raw GM chimes in. He says that Austin overstepped his authority in the match and that Lawler has been disqualified. A bullshit chant goes out. Lawler grabs Josh Matthews and throws him in the ring for making the announcement. Austin then stuns Matthews. Austin then leaves on the ATV. This allows JR and Lawler to call the rest of WrestleMania together.
-Highlights of WrestleMania 27 AXXESS.
-Georgia National Guard soldiers are then shown.
-Triple H VS. The Undertaker: No Holds Barred Match: Flashback to the lead up to the match. Triple H’s entrance takes over 5 minutes. The Undertaker has a spectacular entrance as well. His entrance also takes 5 minutes. It must be a competition between the two. Heavy shots from HHH to start. It goes outside and Taker clears the Spanish announce table, but HHH spears him into the Cole Mine which collapses. Taker is down. Taker and HHH then slug it out back in the ring and Taker hits a flying choke slam on HHH. Taker starts to go for Old School, but gets pushed off by HHH. Undertaker then clotheslined out of the ring and beat into the barricade by HHH. HHH clears off the announce table. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but gets back dropped off of the table by Undertaker. It takes several minutes for both of them to recover. Taker launches himself from the ring onto HHH at ringside. Taker takes the ringside steps away and he and HHH battle on them for a minute. Undertaker charges HHH. Who reverses it and hits a spinebuster on Taker through the Spanish Announce Table. HHH rolls Undertaker back into the ring. Taker choke slams HHH and gets a two count. He sets HHH up for the Last Ride, but HHH pushes Taker back to the corner. Undertaker and HHH dueling chants go out. Then they both escape Last Ride/Pedigree attempts. Undertaker hits Snake Eyes on HHH and goes to hit another flying choke slam, but HHH hits another spinebuster. That gets a close two count. HHH goes outside. He grabs a chair. Taker gets a boot up to block and knocks HHH down. Taker grabs the chair and whacks HHH’s back. He does it several times until HHH gets a boot in and hits the pedigree. He gets another close count. HHH goes for a top rope move, but Taker counters with the Last Ride. That gets a two count. Taker then does the throat slash motion. He hits the tombstone and gets the closest two count I have ever seen. Taker grabs the chair and places it close to HHH. He goes to set HHH up but HHH reverses it into a DDT on the chair. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. HHH hits another Pedigree and gets his own close two count. HHH hits another Pedigree for yet another two count. Both men down again. They both get up and Taker goes to attack but HHH gets the boot up and hits another pedigree. He gets another two count. HHH getting angry he can’t put Undertaker away. Hits another pedigree. Another two count. He then takes the chair to Undertaker’s back. He screams at Undertaker to stay down. He then keeps hitting the back with chair shots until he collapses from exhaustion. Undertaker struggling to get to his feet as the referee asks him if he wants to give up and HHH screams for Undertaker to stay down. Undertaker gets to his feet only to get knocked down again by a HHH shot. Undertaker struggling and HHH screaming just die, stay down, and what’s wrong with you? Undertaker grabs HHH by the throat. Taker weakly mimes for HHH to bring it and HHH does the Undertaker throat slash motion and hits a tombstone piledriver on Undertaker. Undertaker kicks out and the crowd loses it. HHH rolls out of the ring and gets his sledgehammer. He stalks Undertaker, but when he gets close, Undertaker locks on the Hell’s Gate submission. HHH fighting to escape. HHH picks up the sledgehammer, but drops it again. HHH finally taps and The Undertaker is 19-0. A section of the crowd is shown that has paper tombstones of all of The Undertaker’s WrestleMania opponents and the year on them. HHH gets up first. Officials down to check on Undertaker. Undertaker struggles and falls out of the ring. They bring a mobile stretcher down for The Undertaker.
-Don’t try this at home ad.
-6-person mixed tag match: Vickie Guerrero comes out. She introduces Lay Cool and Dolph Ziggler. They are taking on the team of John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and Snooki: Guerrero looks disgusted when Snooki comes out. Lay Cool tries to attack them as they get into the ring. Ziggler trash talking Snooki, who slaps him. Stratus and McCool start. McCool with the advantage but Stratus counters with a face buster. They battle on the top rope. They tumble to the outside. Layla comes over and Stratus gives her a shot then hits a crossbody both members of Lay Cool from the apron. Back in, Stratus hits the chick kick on McCool, but Ziggler breaks up the pin. Morrison then hits Starship Pain to Ziggler on the outside of the ring. It’s an incredible spot. Snooki tagged in and does a handspring elbow to McCool although she mostly just hit her with her body there at the end. It was still an impressive move. She the hits a splash on McCool to get the pin.
-The cast of Tough Enough is shown in the crowd.
-The WrestleMania attendance is announced: 71, 617.
-Video of The Miz watching video of former WWE Champions interspersed with videos of himself.
-WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. John Cena: Miz out first. Cena’s entrance is with a choir and a minister. The Choir is singing your time is up, my time is now. Both men cautious to start. Miz retreats after a Cena hip toss. Miz stomps down Cena. Then Miz hits the corner clothesline. Big shots to Cena’s head. Cena hits a gut wrench suplex. Gets a two count. Miz hits a big slam for a two count. Miz misses a second corner clothesline. Cena hits a top rope leg drop for a two count. Miz hits a kick for a two count. Another kick and a two count for Miz. Cena wipes out after trying for a flying tackle and Miz drops down. It goes to the outside. Miz hits a Million Dollar Knee Lift and goes back in the ring but only gets a two count. The announcers say that it seems like Cena’s equilibrium has been affected. Cena hits a couple of shoulder blocks and a 5 knuckle shuffle and goes for the attitude adjustment, but Miz counters it into a DDT. He gets a two count. Cena goes for an STF but again Miz counters into a neck breaker. Gets another two count. Miz takes the turnbuckle pad off, but referee Mike Chioda stops it. While Chioda is fixing the turnbuckle pad, Cena gets a count but Chioda only gets to two before Miz kicks out. Turnbuckle still exposed, but Cena blocks being rammed into it. Cena gets the STF on, but Miz gets to the ropes. Cena breaks but while the referee is distracted, Riley pushes Cena into the exposed turnbuckle and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Cena kicks out at two. Miz goes for it again, but Cena pushes him off into Mike Chioda. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment, but there’s no referee to count the pin. Riley hits Cena with the briefcase and knocks him out. Cena gets his shoulder up at two and a half. Riley complains to Chioda that there was a slow count as Miz sneaks up to blast Cena with the briefcase, but Cena ducks and Miz accidently hits Riley who gets taken out. Cena hits a big Attitude Adjustment, but Miz kicks out at two. It goes outside. Cena clotheslines Miz over the barricade. It looks like Miz thinks about leaving, but Cena tackles him. Both get counted out. Justin Roberts announces that the match is a draw and that Miz is still the champion. The Rock’s music plays and he comes out. He gets to the ring and the Anonymous Raw GM chime sounds. JR and then Lawler got to read the message, but Rock tells them to hold on. He reads the message which starts I think and Rock says it doesn’t matter what you think. He throws the computer down and gets back into the ring. He restarts the match as a no count out no disqualification match. Cena throws Miz in and goes for the attitude adjustment but Miz escapes and Cena gets a Rock Bottom from The Rock. A Rocky chant goes out. The Miz then pins Cena to win. Rock in the aisle looking at Miz. He runs back to the ring and ducks Miz trying to hit him with the belt. He beats down Miz. He then hits a spinebuster and The People’s Elbow. He poses on a turnbuckle.
-They sign off from Atlanta with a highlight package of the night.